Time Series Clustering

Is the following series dissimilar or similar?

What is time series clustering?

  • Group similar time series

  • What we meant by similar?

    • similar profiles

    • similar features

    • same best forecasting models

    • similar data generating process

  • Before clustering think what is the purpose of grouping?

Source: Montero, P., & Vilar, J. A. (2015). TSclust: An R package for time series clustering. Journal of Statistical Software, 62, 1-43.

Time Series Clustering

  1. Model-free approaches

  2. Model-based approaches

  3. Complexity-based approaches

  4. Prediction-based approaches

Model-free approaches

\[\textbf{X}_T = (X_1, X_2, ..., X_T)^T\]

\[\textbf{Y}_T = (Y_1, Y_2, ..., Y_T)^T\]

Minkowski distance

\[d_{Lq}(\textbf{X}_T, \textbf{Y}_T) = [\sum_{t=1}^T(X_t, Y_t)^q]^{(\frac{1}{q})}\]

When \(q=1\) - Manhattan distance

When \(q=2\) - Euclidean distance

  • Observations are treated as independent. (\(d_{Lq}\) is invariant to permutation over time)

  • Very sensitive to time scaling

Frechet distance

Source: https://pure.tue.nl/ws/portalfiles/portal/93882810/Thesis_Tom_van_Diggelen.pdf

Source: https://pure.tue.nl/ws/portalfiles/portal/93882810/Thesis_Tom_van_Diggelen.pdf

Frechet distance

The standard Fréchet distance is the minimum leash length required for the person to walk the dog without backtracking.

  • Account the ordering of the observations

  • Can be computed on series of different lengths

Dynamic time warping distance (DTW)


Correlation-based distance

Pearson’s correlation between \(\textbf{X_T}\) and \(\textbf{Y_T}\): \(Cor(\textbf{X}_T, \textbf{Y}_T)\)

\[d_{cor1}= \sqrt{2(1-Cor(\textbf{X}_T, \textbf{Y}_T))}\]

\[d_{cor2}= \left (\left (\frac{1-Cor(\textbf{X}_T, \textbf{Y}_T)}{1+Cor(\textbf{X}_T, \textbf{Y}_T)} \right )^{\beta} \right )^{\frac{1}{2}}\]

where \(\beta \geq 0\).

Autocorrelation-based distance

Distance is based on estimated autocorrelation function.

Case 1: Uniform weight

\[d(\textbf{X}_T, \textbf{Y}_T) = \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^L(\hat{\rho}_{i, X}-\hat{\rho}_{i, Y})^2}\]

Case 2: Geometric weights decaying with autocorrelation lag

\[d(\textbf{X}_T, \textbf{Y}_T) = \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^Lw(1-w)^i(\hat{\rho}_{i, X}-\hat{\rho}_{i, Y})^2}\]

Periodogram-based distance

A periodogram is used to identify the dominant periods (or frequencies) of a time series.

  • Euclidean distance between the periodogram ordinates (Gives more weight to the shape of the curve)

  • Euclidean distance between the normalized periodogram ordinates (Consider the scale)

Reading: https://online.stat.psu.edu/stat510/lesson/6/6.1

Other model-free measures

  • Dissimilarity measures based on nonparametric spectral estimators

  • Dissimilarity measure based on wavelet transformation

  • Dissimilarity measure based on the symbolicrepresentation SAX

Model-based approaches

Piccolo distance

  • Invertible ARIMA processes

  • Euclidean distance between the \(AR(\infty)\)

In-class explanations.

Invertible condition

Backshift notation:

\[BX_t=X_{t-1}\] ARMA(p, q)

\[x_t= c+ \phi_1x_{t-1}+\phi_2x_{t-2}+...+\phi_px_{t-p} + \theta_1\epsilon_{t-1}+\theta_2\epsilon _{t-2}+...+\theta_q \epsilon_{t-q}+\epsilon_t,\]

\[x_t= c+ \phi_1Bx_{t}+\phi_2B^2x_{t}+...+\phi_pB^px_{t} + \theta_1B\epsilon_{t}+\theta_2B^2\epsilon _{t}+...+\theta_q B^q\epsilon_{t}+\epsilon_t,\] \[x_t - \phi_1Bx_{t}-\phi_2B^2x_{t}-...-\phi_pB^px_{t} = c + \theta_1B\epsilon_{t}+\theta_2B^2\epsilon _{t}+...+\theta_q B^q\epsilon_{t}+\epsilon_t,\]

\[\Phi(B)x_t = c+\Theta(B)\epsilon_t\]

\[\Phi(B)x_t = c+\Theta(B)\epsilon_t\]

\[\Phi(B) = 1-\phi_1B-\phi_2B^2-...-\phi_pB^p\]

\[\Theta(B)= 1+\theta_1B+\theta_2B^2 _{t}+...+\theta_q B^q\]

This process is called invertible if the modulus of all the roots of \(\Theta(B)=0\) are greater than one.



Maharaj distance

  • For the class of invertible and stationary ARMA processes

  • Based on hypotheses testing to determine whether or not two time series have significantly different generating processes

    Two dissimilarity measures: one is based on test statistics, other one is based on the associated p-value

Prediction-based approaches

Two time series are similar if their forecasts at s specific future time are close.

Feature-based time series clustering

Link to slides: https://thiyangt.github.io/whyR2021keynote/#1

tsfeatures package in Python: https://pypi.org/project/tsfeatures/

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from statsmodels.tsa.seasonal import seasonal_decompose

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


df = pd.read_csv("AirPassengers.csv", index_col=0)
df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index)
y = df["#Passengers"]
y.name = "n_passengers"

y.plot(title="Airline passengers");

seasonal_decomp = seasonal_decompose(y, model="additive")

seasonal_decomp = seasonal_decompose(y, model="multiplicative")

Additive and multiplicative seasonality – can you identify them correctly? https://kourentzes.com/forecasting/2014/11/09/additive-and-multiplicative-seasonality/

Time series features

Talagala, T. S., Hyndman, R. J., & Athanasopoulos, G. (2018). Meta-learning how to forecast time series. Monash Econometrics and Business Statistics Working Papers, 6(18), 16.


Complexity-based approaches

  • Compression-based dissimilarity measures

  • Permutation distribution clustering

  • Complexity-invariant dissimilarity measure